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전문자료 검색결과 (3,074건) NAVER OpenAPI

Effect of Perceived Rewarded Referral on Instagram Influencer Marketing : Centering on Instagram Posts on Cosmetic Products SNS 마케
Predicting Photo-sharing Behavior on Instagram: Uses and Gratification Theory 본 연구는 이용과 충족 이론을 기반으로 인
The Impacts of Use Motivation of Instagram Brand Account on Satisfaction and Continuous Use Intention : Focusing on the Mediating Effec
Effects of Food Styling Visual Component in Instagram of on Trust and Purchasing Intention : with Focus on Tourists to Jeonju 본 연
The Mediating Effect of Upward Social Comparison Moderated by Control Flexibility on the Relationship Between Social Network Service Us
The Mediating Effects of Relative Deprivation between Mediated Voyeurism of Instagram Users and Purchasing Behavior 타인의 행위를
A Social Big Data Analysis of Commercial Area Expansion and Consumption Trends: Based on Instagram Hashtags Data 모바일 인터넷과
A Luxury Hotel as a Conspicuous Self-Expression Space on Instagram in Seoul 일상 사진을 찍어 SNS(Social Network Service)에 게
The Effects of Consumer Value and Online Purchasing Motivations on the Advertising Effectiveness in Instagram 본 연구는 인스타
Consumer Awareness and Visit Intention of Instagram Majib' Information The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of the infor